I came across this interesting article that spoke to me today. Called 'The difference between what you "should" do and what you "must" do', the article reaffirms life's priorities and segregates the differences between what is internally important versus what others in general view is important.
A refreshing article, it states that "must" is... The writer states that, "must" is "who we are, what we believe, and what we do when we are alone with our truest, most authentic self." Reading this section, it reignites a flame in me that seems to have died or put off by the "shoulds" of what society thinks.At the end of the day, it is what we "must" do to fulfill our own goals, dreams and ideals. After all, we are all living our own lives. We have to take care of ourselves first before we can take care of others.
So if I ask myself, "how do I connect to my own life?" In order to do that, we must know and reflect deeply on what we really want. Something that can be difficult these days with so many distractions and with social media influencing us on a daily basis, it is hard to focus on our true calling.
Hence it is rather important to realise that we must choose "must" daily, to live our lives fully, and start creating ourselves in our own light. Go forth, push forward, and strive to be true authentic beings of our own goals and dreams.